Senate is the representative branch of BU Student Government and is overseen by the Office of the Senate Chair. Senate is comprised of 45 senators. 8 of these senators are from At-Large Parties, which run on special interest platforms. The remaining 37 seats are allocated proportionate to the student populations of BU's colleges. Senators’ duties to their constituents involve bringing forward issues and advocacy topics their constituents have a vested interest in, proposing initiatives and plans to address their constituents’ concerns, and participating in weekly discussion on topics discussed in Senate meetings. Overall, Senators should strive to be leaders and forces for change within their college or college or university-wide.

Casey Tang (kctang@bu.edu)
Hello, my name is Casey Tang, and I’m originally from Los Angeles, California. I am a member of Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences Class of 2025, majoring in Economics with an emphasis on data analysis and econometrics. I currently serve as your CAS Senator for the 2024-2025 academic year. This year, I am committed to advocating for policies that promote free speech and the inclusion of diverse viewpoints on campus. I also aim to increase transparency and push for student feedback in decision-making processes. Additionally, I am also committed to promote an environment of fairness and equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race and gender, while critically evaluating some of BU’s green initiatives to make life more more affordable and convenient for students.

Giulia Bailey (gmbailey@bu.edu)

Sarah Shabib (shabibs@bu.edu)
Hi! I’m Sarah Shabib, a junior pursuing a major in Psychology with a minor in Business Administration and Management. I’m originally from Amman, Jordan, and I’m currently serving as a Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. Beyond Student Government, I am on the executive board for Psi Chi, Project Manager for the BU Marketing Club, and an undergraduate research assistant for the Center of Anxiety and Related Disorders. Outside of my academic and leadership roles, I have a passion for soccer, traveling, learning new languages, and exploring the city with friends. As a Senator, my goal for the upcoming year is to work alongside other senators to address on-campus challenges and enhance student resources, with a particular focus on supporting international students.

Michael Hong (mhongkr@bu.edu)
Hi, everyone! My name is Michael Hong, and I am a College of Arts and Sciences Senator representing the Class of 2027. I decided to run for this position because I witnessed firsthand that there was a place for everyone here at BU and came to want to preserve this strength of ours called diversity. By electing me, you have once again reminded me that BU truly has a place for everyone, even for a short Korean kid who sometimes makes silly jokes. Moreover, you have reaffirmed the greatness of our community, which lies in the beautiful idea that, alongside such diversity, the unity of being Terriers can and will hold us together, making us forever proud to wear red and white. Thank you. Thank you so much. As you have elected me to serve in this position, I want to return this favor by working on initiatives to improve the quality of student life. In particular, I hope to learn more about the minor inconveniences that affect the student body, work on them step by step, and resolve these issues to ultimately help BU students live a campus life with fewer worries. I look forward to accomplishing these goals during my term in Senate!
Williana Serve (wserve@bu.edu)
Greetings everyone! I'm Williana Serve, currently a sophomore majoring in Political Science within the College of Arts and Sciences at BU. I'm also enrolled in the Kilachand Honors College. Besides my academic pursuits, I'm an active member of the Expect More Committee and proudly serve as an editor for the Pre-Law review. On a more personal note, I have a penchant for Pink and Purple, my favorite colors. Outside of my engagements in Student Government and my coursework, you can often find me engrossed in books, scrolling through TikTok, or deeply immersed in creating and publishing policy briefs addressing current economic events. I'm enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing meaningful projects and initiatives to the broader BU community. My focus revolves around fostering awareness, inclusivity, and support for various causes. I'm eager to bring that commitment to life during my time here.

Chidong Zhou (tonyzhou@bu.edu)
I am Chidong Zhou, currently in my senioor year at Boston University, majoring in Economics and Mathematics. I love snowboarding and diving. I'm all ears for any ideas, concerns, or even just a chat about life at BU. Let's work together to make our time here not just memorable, but truly impactful. Reach out anytime – I'm here for you!

Alicia Lin (beans@bu.edu)

Alina Keshodkar (aekeshod@bu.edu)
My name is Alina Keshodkar, and I'm a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences. I'm double-majoring in political science and economics, and I'm also in the Kilachand Honors College. I'm from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but I've lived in Florida and Dubai as well. Outside of being a senator for CAS, I'm involved in the BU International Affairs Association as a member of the Model UN Team and Students for the UN, I volunteer with Strong Women Strong Girls, and I'm a Residence Sustainability Leader (RSL) in Warren Towers. In my free time, I love to walk around and explore Boston with friends, try new foods, and read. My goals for Senate this year include collaborating with senators from other colleges to work towards fostering a sense of community at BU and contributing to an environment where people feel safe and supported to speak freely. I'm excited to be involved in Senate and hope to help our BU community grow!

Addison Rezsnyak (rezsnyak@bu.edu)

Arnab Misra (amisra15@bu.edu)
Hi, my name Arnab Misra (Class of 2028), and I'm a freshman at the College of Arts and Sciences. I'm double-majoring in neuroscience and psychology, and I'm also in the Kilachand Honors College program. I'm from San Francisco, California but lived my whole life in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm involved in medical research as a Research Intern at Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital where we work on Alzheimer's Disease, I'm also involved in the BU Men's Club Soccer Team where I'm the starting striker for our team which qualified for Nationals, I've been awarded an International Award for my piano composition, and I have over 1000+ volunteer hours working with the Special Olympics, the LiFe Foundation, Partners for Youth and Disability, and a nonprofit I run and founded: Fairplay Athletics. My goals for Senate this year include developing in my position as co-chair for BU ARC where we aim to recognize and award clubs with outstanding impact and involvement in the community. I love collaborating with senators from other colleges to work towards fostering a sense of community at BU and contributing to an environment where people can speak their minds and are supported to speak freely.

Zain Taheri (zaint@bu.edu)
Hello! My name is Zain Taheri and I am a freshman at Boston University. I am from Staten Island, New York City. I am in the College of Arts and Sciences as a religion major and I am graduating in 2028. My position in Boston University Student Government is CAS Senator. On campus I am also involved in CAS Student Government and I am on the Advocacy branch, I am also a part of Islamic Society of Boston University, I am also in the Pep Band and play the alto-saxophone. My hobbies include: video games, cooking, writing, reading, swimming, and basketball. My goals for Boston University Student Government as a Senator is to be a representation for student voices and to get their ideas and interests across because I want to make Boston University a positive atmosphere for all students. Also, my goal is to advocate for social justice for all students by promoting culture, community, and inclusivity. I am so excited to meet more people that are a part of the Senate and build up my network with people in Student Government. I am looking forward to standing up for what I believe is right!

Chloé Laine Silva (csalva19@bu.edu)

Xuanyu Sun (sunq@bu.edu)

Victoria Sevilla (vsevilla@bu.edu)

Angela An (angelaan@bu.edu )

Gabriel Moncau (gmoncau@bu.edu​)

Hassan Zahid (hzahid04@bu.edu)
Lucy Wu (lucy2003@bu.edu)
Hi everyone! My name is Siqiong (Lucy) Wu. I am from China, but I grew up in a small town called Greenfield in Massachusetts. I am a Junior studying Math and Business. This year, I plan to work with the finance committee to better allocate the community service fees. I am also very passionate about sustainability and supporting local businesses. My goal is to have more food items or products from companies that implement ESG and fair trade practices in our City convenience locations, which perfectly aligns with BU's initiatives and projects on sustainability. Outside of school, I enjoy playing tennis and learning about trading strategies in Stocks Trading at BU (STABU).

Abraham Budson-McQuilken (agbudson@bu.edu)

Vincent Christopher Semidey Jr (vincent2@bu.edu)

Yanis Aphichatabut (poshaphi@bu.edu)
Hello! My name is Posh Aphichatabut, and I'm from Bangkok, Thailand. I am studying Education and Human Development in Wheelock College's class of 2027. In Student Government, I am a Wheelock Senator for the Fall 2024 semester. At BU, I am involved in the Dean's Host program, Thai Student Association, International Peer Mentor program, and am an employee at Einstein Bagels. I also have experience being an elementary school teacher's assistant in Bangkok and Boston. I am deeply passionate about sharing my love of learning and look forward to building positive social connections within Student Government!

Sean Sun (sunzs@bu.edu)
Peter Emero (pemero@bu.edu)

Zain Ahmed (zain2803@bu.edu​)

Shikhar Singh (shikhars@bu.edu)

Rifah Reza (rifahr@bu.edu​)

Tahira Smith (tsmith01@bu.edu)

Tania Torres (tgtorres@bu.edu)

Guy Starr (gstar31@bu.edu)

Sean Sutton (theseans@bu.edu)

Aanya Jhunjhunwala (aanyaj@bu.edu )

Catherine Park (cattyp13@bu.edu)

Benjamin Thurtle (Bthurtle@bu.edu)

Heejee Lee (hlee@bu.edu)
Hi everyone, my name is Heejee Lee and I study piano performance, sociology, and business at BU! This year I will be serving as the CFA Lead Senator. Outside of Senate, I work at the Student Philanthropy Center, at the Office of Wellbeing as the Student Ambassador for the Food@BU initiative, and at the College of Fine Arts as a teaching assistant! My hobbies include running and photography. Last year, when I joined Senate, I was able to be a part of different initiatives and movements to make visible changes on campus. This year, I strive to create a worthwhile BU experience for our community.

Mack Wilson (mackmwil@bu.edu)

Benjamin Lee (bslee09@bu.edu)
Hi, my name is Benjamin Lee and I am a senior double majoring in Human Physiology and Biology! I'm from Champaign, IL and have lived there my whole life surrounded by corn fields and the local university: UIUC. As a senator I am mainly focused on exploring how exactly I can make a difference in addition to my current interests. As of now, I am mainly interested in tackling the issue of sexual assault on campus and improving overall awareness and mental health in relation to this.

Serena Khan (skhann@bu.edu)
Hi, I'm Serena Khan—a junior majoring in human physiology with a minor in public health on the pre-med track. I was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Singapore. On campus, I am a Sargent Senator, OPHIA Co-Sisterhood Director, Research Assistant in the Cui & Wisco lab, and Peer Tutor. Outside of academics and leadership roles, I love to triathlon train, bake, read, practice taekwondo, and explore the great outdoors.

Tia Perkins (tiasky@bu.edu)
My name is Tia Perkins (they/them) and I'm currently a junior double majoring in Sociology and Power, Community, and Queer Futures at Boston University. I also work as a health educator at the Boston Alliance of LGBTQ+ Youth (BAGLY). My interests focus around LGBTQ+ rights, content creator, mental and sexual health education, and identity research. I am excited to represent the Intersection of Marginalized Peoples & Community Task-Force (I.M.P.A.C.T) in the BU Senate this year. I hope to continue making change within the initiatives under IMPACT, as well as connect with other committee projects to inspire more diverse and holistic change within the BU community. I'm excited to have the opportunity to represent the voices of other BU students of all identities and bring student ideas to the Senate.

Cindy Frempong (cinfrem@bu.edu)
I hope that senate can become representative of the student body and address the concerns of the student body in a transparent and communicative way. I also hope to learn more about other student initiatives and support where I can. I view my role as a great opportunity to illicit the changes my peers and I want to see on campus, furthermore so that incoming students.
Sophia Sorcigli, (sophsorc@bu.edu )
This year, I hope for 16k to serve as a bridge between the BU community and admin, as well as a space to support victims and survivors of SA as well as take action to do as much as possible to prevent SA on campus and beyond.
Taking what was successful from prior leaders and seeing where we can grow as a committee will serve to guide our mission. From events such as FRIES, supporting the Survior Vigil, holding a Self Defense class, working with IMPACTS SHARP and working together with other leaders of student orgs and committees, we will only grow stronger.
The BUnited Mission Statement: With the slogan “150+ countries, 1 BU”, the BUnited Party seeks to represent the interest of all 10000 international scholars and friends of the BU community. We are committed to helping international students have the best possible experience at BU by making them feel at home with intercultural events and providing resources to help them succeed.
BUnited has two Senators and one Party Leader. Their Party Leader (Nhan) does not serve as Senator.

Nhan Ton (tdn26903@bu.edu)
Greetings to my fellow Terriers! My name is Nhan Ton, and I'm a junior in CAS majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Business Administration. I was born and grew up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A fun fact about me is that my life so far has been associated with the color red: there’s red in the Vietnamese flag, BU flag, Arsenal flag, and my high school military unit guidon. One of my goals for the Senate this year is to work alongside my party members, Harry and Masa, to bring more resources to the international student community, especially in terms of career resources and student programming. I am excited for the Senate this year, and can’t wait to see the impact that our senators will be able to bring to our community.

Harry Chu (hchu26@bu.edu)
I'm currently a sophomore in the 6 year physical therapy program at BU focusing on international students. My goals for senate is to work on D&I initiatives, acquiring better mental health and educational resources for international students. I'm hoping to work alongside different international clubs to help better educate international students and address various challenges. Also bridging the gap between domestic and international students to promote better understanding of diversity around campus.

Masa Khairi (masak25@bu.edu)
Hi! I am Masa a junior studying Biochem and molecular biology at BU. I am from Jordan, where camels exist in bulk, but I am born right here in Massachusetts! I speak arabic alongside English and enjoy playing volleyball and eating arabic food, especially falafel and hummus.
The Community Action Party Mission Statement: The Community Action Party is a party dedicated to connecting the BU student body with surrounding communities. The party aims to help student organizations that prioritize community and civic engagement.
CAP has one Senator, who also serves as their Party Leader.

Madison Larsen-Molina (mlmolina@bu.edu)
My name is Maddison Larsen-Molina and I am a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences studying Neuroscience and Classical Civilizations. I am the current Party Leader and Senator of the Community Action Party. My party aims to bridge a connection between BU students and the issues central to the Boston community as a whole. In addition to this, my party can be viewed as a resource for community engagement organizations on campus. My primary goal for the 2023-2024 year is to promote Student Government as an accessible tool for the student body and uplift the voices of student organizations.
The Terriers United Mission Statement: Terriers United is committed to being an independent voice that promotes social, economic, and racial justice on campus. We aim to create policy and provide resources that will not just directly benefit you now, but shape Boston University for the better. Our party brings a diverse set of perspectives to the table, one that reflects and champions students' voices – not just the ones already within Student Government. We are always here to listen to any of your questions, comments or concerns; feel free to reach out to our party leader Jacob Aznavoorian at jacoba@bu.edu!
Terriers United has two Senators, one of whom (Jacob) also serves as their Party Leader.

Jacob Aznavoorian (jacoba@bu.edu)
Hi! My name is Jacob Aznavoorian, and I am the Party Leader for the Terriers United Party and one of its two Senators this year. I am a junior studying Political Science, Public Policy Analysis, and Special Education on the pre-law track. This is my third year in Student Government at BU, and my party and I aim to address social, economic, and racial justice on campus. We plan to advocate for policies that foster and welcome diversity on our campus, maintaining the vitality of our university community. Being born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I bring the hardworking spirit of a "Brooklynite" to everything I do, including Student Government. I promise to be an independent, uplifting voice for all students, working towards making BU a better place than I found it. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, and I thank you for entrusting me to represent you in Student Government!

Mason Yates (wmyates@bu.edu)
Hi everyone, my name is Mason! I am from CT and am currently a junior in Questrom representing the Terriers United party. Although I have been involved in StuGov since my freshmen year, this will be my first year as a senator and I could not be more excited to represent all of you! I believe that all voices across our undergraduate student population deserve to be heard and advocated for which is precisely why I decided to run on an at-large platform. It is my sincere hope that our party can push for enhanced equality and accessibility across campus in order to create a better BU experience. Bringing awareness to nuanced issues that are often overlooked is at the forefront of our party's goals over the course of the academic year and I hope you'll join us in advancing such changes. Feel free to reach out to me at any time throughout the year!!
The IMPACT Mission Statement: Diversity is an Observable Fact. We believe in fighting for a campus where individuality is championed and encouraged. Accepting terriers for who they are is the key to creating a safe and welcoming environment. Equity is a Result. All Terriers and Student Orgs must have the necessary institutional resources, support, and access. No more excuses. It is now time to Demand Results. Inclusion is a behavior. We strive to bring a culture of creative and bold action. We prioritize engagement because the more terriers get involved, the more IMPACT we can make.
IMPACT has three Senators and one Party Leader. Their Party Leader does not serve as Senator.
Taylor Bolan (tbolan@bu.edu)
Hello! My name is Taylor Bolan, I am from NYC, and I am currently a sophomore in CAS studying psychology. My journey began at a performing and visual arts high school in Harlem, Manhattan, where I learned that art can be one of two things: a distraction or a call for action. Though both are of equal importance, I, specializing in theater, dedicated much of my artistic energy to the ladder, advocating for social justice initiatives. This experience taught me the power of using my voice to champion the needs of marginalized communities, a skill I carried beyond the stage, and both the traditional and creative avenues in which positive change can be pursued. As a first generation American of Jamaican descent who is now a member of the Terriers United team, I am dedicated to leveraging my diverse experiences to address the unmet needs of our student body, advocating for a more equitable and inclusive campus!